


  1. the act of terminating
  2. the fact of being terminated.
  3. the place or part where anything terminates; bound or limit.
  4. an end or extremity; close or conclusion.
  5. an issue or result.
  6. Grammar. a suffix or ending.
  7. an ending of employment with a specific employer.


  1. the act of terminating or the state of being terminated
  2. something that terminates
  3. a final result

n.late 14c., “authoritative resolution of a matter,” from Old French terminacion and directly from Latin terminationem (nominative terminatio) “a fixing of boundaries, bounding, determining,” from past participle stem of terminare “to limit, end” (see terminus). Meaning “end of a person’s employment” is recorded from 1961; meaning “artificial end of a pregnancy” is attested from 1969; sense of “assasination” is recorded from 1975.

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