


  1. a former silver coin of France, equal at various times to between 10 and 14½ sols, bearing on the obverse a bust of the reigning king.
  2. a former silver coin of England, issued by Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Edward VI, and bearing on the obverse the bust of the reigning king: equal originally to 12 pence, later to sixpence.
  3. Also tes·to·ne [te-stoh-ney] /tɛˈstoʊ neɪ/. a former silver coin of Milan, first issued in 1468, bearing on the obverse a bust of the Duke of Milan.


  1. a French silver coin of the 16th century
  2. Also called: tester an English silver coin of the 16th century, originally worth one shilling, bearing the head of Henry VIII
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