

noun, plural tête-à-têtes, French tête-à-tête.

  1. a private conversation or interview, usually between two people.
  2. Also called vis-à-vis. a sofa shaped like an S so two people are able to converse face to face.


  1. of, between, or for two persons together without others.


  1. (of two persons) together in private: to sit tête-à-tête.

noun plural -têtes or -tête

    1. a private conversation between two people
    2. (as modifier)a tête-à-tête conversation
  1. a small sofa for two people, esp one that is S-shaped in plan so that the sitters are almost face to face


  1. intimately; in private

n.“a private meeting,” French, tête-à-tête, literally “head-to-head,” from Old French teste “head” (see tester (n.2)). The adjective, “privately,” is recorded from 1728. An intimate meeting or conversation between two individuals. From French, meaning “head to head.”

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