thaddeus stevens

thaddeus stevens


  1. Alfred,1817–75, English painter and sculptor.
  2. George (Cooper),1905–75, U.S. film director.
  3. John Cox [koks] /kɒks/, 1749–1838, and his son Robert Livingston, 1787–1856, U.S. engineers and inventors.
  4. John Paul,born 1920, U.S. jurist: associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court 1975–2010.
  5. Net·tie Marie [net-ee] /ˈnɛt i/, 1861–1912, U.S. cytogeneticist.
  6. Thaddeus,1792–1868, U.S. abolitionist and political leader.
  7. Wallace,1879–1955, U.S. poet.


  1. Thaddeus (ˈθædɪəs). 1792–1868, US Radical Republican politician. An opponent of slavery, he supported Reconstruction and entered the resolution calling for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson
  2. Wallace. 1879–1955, US poet, whose books include the collections Harmonium (1923), The Man with the Blue Guitar (1937), and Transport to Summer (1947)

  1. American biologist who identified the role of X and Y chromosomes in determining the sex of an organism. Stevens studied the chromosomes of mealworm beetles, first establishing that chromosomes are inherited in pairs. She later showed that eggs fertilized by X-carrying sperm produced female offspring, while Y-carrying sperm produced male offspring. She extended this work to studies of sex determination in various plants and insects.
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