

noun, plural thal·a·mi [thaluh-mahy] /ˈθæl əˌmaɪ/.

  1. Anatomy. the middle part of the diencephalon through which sensory impulses pass to reach the cerebral cortex.
  2. Botany. a receptacle or torus.
  3. Also called thalamium. an apartment for women in an ancient Greek house.

noun plural -mi (-ˌmaɪ)

  1. either of the two contiguous egg-shaped masses of grey matter at the base of the brain
  2. both of these masses considered as a functional unit
  3. the receptacle or torus of a flower

n.1753, “the receptacle of a flower,” Modern Latin, from Latin thalamus “inner chamber,” from Greek thalamos “inner chamber, bedroom,” related to thalame “den, lair,” tholos “vault, vaulted building.” Used since 1756 of a part of the forebrain where a nerve appears to originate. n. pl. thal•a•mi (-mī′)

  1. A large ovoid mass of gray matter that forms the larger dorsal subdivision of the diencephalon and is located medial to the internal capsule and to the body and tail of the caudate nucleus. It functions in the relay of sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex.

Plural thalami (thălə-mī′)

  1. The part of the vertebrate brain that lies at the rear of the forebrain. It relays sensory information to the cerebral cortex and regulates the perception of touch, pain, and temperature.

The part of the brain that coordinates nerve impulses relating to the senses of sight, hearing, touch, and taste.

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