


  1. Also thermic. of, relating to, or caused by heat or temperature: thermal capacity.
  2. of, relating to, or of the nature of thermae: thermal waters.
  3. designed to aid in or promote the retention of body heat: a thermal blanket.


  1. Meteorology. a rising air current caused by heating from the underlying surface, especially such a current when not producing a cloud.
  2. thermals. thermal underwear.


  1. Also: thermic (ˈθɜːmɪk) of, relating to, caused by, or generating heat or increased temperature
  2. hot or warmthermal baths; thermal spring
  3. (of garments or fabrics) specially designed so as to have exceptional heat-retaining properties


  1. meteorol a column of rising air caused by local unequal heating of the land surface, and used by gliders and birds to gain height
  2. (plural) thermal garments, esp underclothes

adj.1756, “having to do with hot springs,” from French thermal (Buffon), from Greek therme “heat,” from PIE *ghwerm-/*ghworm- “warm” (cf. Latin fornax “an oven, kiln,” formus “warm,” Old English wearm; see warm). Sense of “having to do with heat” is first recorded 1837. The noun meaning “rising current of relatively warm air” is recorded from 1933. adj.

  1. Of, relating to, using, producing, or caused by heat.
  2. Intended or designed in such a way as to help retain body heat.


  1. Relating to heat.


  1. A usually columnar mass of warm air that rises in the lower atmosphere because it is less dense than the air around it. Thermals form because the ground surface is heated unevenly by the Sun. The air usually rises until it is in equilibrium with the air surrounding it.
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