

verb (used with object)

  1. to affect with a sudden wave of keen emotion or excitement, as to produce a tremor or tingling sensation through the body.
  2. to utter or send forth tremulously, as a melody.

verb (used without object)

  1. to affect one with a wave of emotion or excitement.
  2. to be stirred by a tremor or tingling sensation of emotion or excitement: He thrilled at the thought of home.
  3. to cause a prickling or tingling sensation; throb.
  4. to move tremulously; vibrate; quiver.


  1. a sudden wave of keen emotion or excitement, sometimes manifested as a tremor or tingling sensation passing through the body.
  2. something that produces or is capable of producing such a sensation: a story full of thrills.
  3. a thrilling experience: It was a thrill to see Paris again.
  4. a vibration or quivering.
  5. Pathology. an abnormal tremor or vibration, as in the respiratory or vascular system.


  1. a sudden sensation of excitement and pleasureseeing his book for sale gave him a thrill
  2. a situation producing such a sensationit was a thrill to see Rome for the first time
  3. a trembling sensation caused by fear or emotional shock
  4. pathol an abnormal slight tremor associated with a heart or vascular murmur, felt on palpation


  1. to feel or cause to feel a thrill
  2. to tremble or cause to tremble; vibrate or quiver

v.c.1300, “to pierce, penetrate,” metathesis of Old English þyrlian, from þyrel “hole” (in Middle English, also “nostril”), from þurh “through” (cf. Middle High German dürchel “pierced, perforated;” see through) + -el. Meaning “give a shivering, exciting feeling” is first recorded 1590s, via metaphoric notion of “pierce with emotion.” Related: Thrilled; thrilling. n.“a shivering, exciting feeling,” 1670s, from thrill (v.). Meaning “a thrilling experience” is attested from 1936. n.

  1. The vibration accompanying a cardiac or vascular murmur, detectible on palpation.
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