through thick and thin

through thick and thin

adjective, thick·er, thick·est.

  1. having relatively great extent from one surface or side to the opposite; not thin: a thick slice.
  2. measured, as specified, between opposite surfaces, from top to bottom, or in a direction perpendicular to that of the length and breadth; (of a solid having three general dimensions) measured across its smallest dimension: a board one inch thick.
  3. composed of or containing objects, particles, etc., close together; dense: a thick fog; a thick forest.
  4. filled, covered, or abounding (usually followed by with): tables thick with dust.
  5. husky or hoarse; not distinctly articulated: The patient’s speech is still quite thick.
  6. markedly so (as specified): a thick German accent.
  7. deep or profound: thick darkness.
  8. (of a liquid) heavy or viscous: a thick syrup.
  9. Informal. close in friendship; intimate.
  10. mentally slow; stupid; dull.
  11. disagreeably excessive or exaggerated: They thought it a bit thick when he called himself a genius.

adverb, thick·er, thick·est.

  1. in a thick manner.
  2. close together; closely packed: The roses grew thick along the path.
  3. in a manner to produce something thick: Slice the cheese thick.


  1. the thickest, densest, or most crowded part: in the thick of the fight.


  1. lay it on thick, Informal. to praise excessively; flatter: He’s laying it on thick because he wants you to do him a favor.
  2. through thick and thin, under favorable and unfavorable conditions; steadfastly: We have been friends for 20 years, through thick and thin.


  1. of relatively great extent from one surface to the other; fat, broad, or deepa thick slice of bread
    1. (postpositive)of specific fatnessten centimetres thick
    2. (in combination)a six-inch-thick wall
  2. having a relatively dense consistency; not transparentthick soup
  3. abundantly covered or filleda piano thick with dust
  4. impenetrable; densea thick fog
  5. stupid, slow, or insensitivea thick person
  6. throaty or badly articulateda voice thick with emotion
  7. (of accents, etc) pronounced
  8. informal very friendly (esp in the phrase thick as thieves)
  9. a bit thick British unfair or excessive
  10. a thick ear informal a blow on the ear delivered as punishment, in anger, etc


  1. in order to produce something thickto slice bread thick
  2. profusely; in quick succession (esp in the phrase thick and fast)
  3. lay it on thick informal
    1. to exaggerate a story, statement, etc
    2. to flatter excessively


  1. a thick piece or part
  2. the thick the busiest or most intense part
  3. through thick and thin in good times and bad

adj.Old English þicce “not thin, dense,” from Proto-Germanic *theku-, *thekwia- (cf. Old Saxon thikki, Old High German dicchi, German dick, Old Norse þykkr, Old Frisian thikke), from PIE *tegu- “thick” (cf. Gaelic tiugh). Secondary Old English sense of “close together” is preserved in thickset and proverbial phrase thick as thieves (1833). Meaning “stupid” is first recorded 1590s. Phrase thick and thin is in Chaucer (late 14c.); thick-skinned is attested from 1540s; in figurative sense from c.1600. To be in the thick of some action, etc., “to be at the most intense moment” is from 1680s, from a Middle English noun sense. adj.

  1. Relatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite, usually in the smallest solid dimension; not thin.
  2. Measuring a specified number of units in this dimension.
  3. Heavy in form, build, or stature; thickset.
  4. Having component parts in a close, crowded state or arrangement; dense.
  5. Having or suggesting a heavy or viscous consistency.
  6. Having a great number; abounding.
  7. Impenetrable by the eyes.
  8. Not easy to hear or understand; indistinctly articulated.
  9. Noticeably affecting sound; conspicuous.
  10. Producing indistinctly articulated sounds.


  1. In a close, compact state or arrangement; densely.
  2. In a thick manner; deeply or heavily.


  1. The most active or intense part.

To stay with someone or something “through thick and thin” is to persevere through good times as well as bad: “She stood beside her friend through thick and thin.” Despite all obstacles or adversities, as in She promised to stand by him through thick and thin. This term alludes to penetrating a forest with both thick and sparse undergrowth. Today it is nearly always used with the idea of supporting something or someone in all circumstances, as in the example. [Late 1300s] In addition to the idioms beginning with thick

  • thick and fast
  • thick and thin
  • thick as thieves
  • thick skin
  • also see:

  • blood is thicker than water
  • lay it on thick
  • plot thickens
  • through thick and thin
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