throw down the gauntlet

throw down the gauntlet


  1. a medieval glove, as of mail or plate, worn by a knight in armor to protect the hand.
  2. a glove with an extended cuff for the wrist.
  3. the cuff itself.


  1. take up the gauntlet,
    1. to accept a challenge to fight: He was always willing to take up the gauntlet for a good cause.
    2. to show one’s defiance.

    Also take up the glove.

  2. throw down the gauntlet,
    1. to challenge.
    2. to defy.

    Also throw down the glove.


  1. a medieval armoured leather glove
  2. a heavy glove with a long cuff
  3. take up the gauntlet to accept a challenge
  4. throw down the gauntlet to offer a challenge


  1. a punishment in which the victim is forced to run between two rows of men who strike at him as he passes: formerly a military punishment
  2. run the gauntlet
    1. to suffer this punishment
    2. to endure an onslaught or ordeal, as of criticism
  3. a testing ordeal; trial
  4. a variant spelling of gantlet 1 (def. 1)

n.1“glove,” early 15c., gantelet, from Old French gantelet (13c.) “gauntlet worn by a knight in armor,” also a token of one’s personality or person, and symbolizing a challenge, e.g. tendre son gantelet “throw down the gauntlet” (a sense found in English by 1540s); semi-diminutive or double-diminutive of gant “glove” (12c.), earlier wantos (7c.), from Frankish *wanth-, from Proto-Germanic *wantuz “glove” (cf. Middle Dutch want “mitten,” East Frisian want, wante, Old Norse vöttr “glove,” Danish vante “mitten”), which apparently is related to Old High German wintan, Old English windan “turn around, wind” (see wind (v.)). The name must orig. have applied to a strip of cloth wrapped about the hand to protect it from sword-blows, a frequent practice in the Icelandic sagas. [Buck] Italian guanto, Spanish guante are likewise ultimately from Germanic. The spelling with -u- was established from 1500s. n.2military punishment in which offender runs between rows of men who beat him in passing, 1660s, earlier gantlope (1640s), from Swedish gatlopp “passageway,” from Old Swedish gata “lane” (see gate) + lopp “course,” related to löpa “to run” (see leap). Probably borrowed by English soldiers during Thirty Years’ War. Modern spelling, influenced by gauntlet (n.1), not fixed until mid-19c. Declare or issue a challenge, as in The senator threw down the gauntlet on the abortion issue. This expression alludes to the medieval practice of a knight throwing down his gauntlet, or metal glove, as a challenge to combat. Its figurative use dates from the second half of the 1700s, as does the less frequently heard take up the gauntlet, for accepting a challenge. see run the gauntlet; throw down the gauntlet.

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