


  1. a blow with something thick and heavy, producing a dull sound; a heavy knock.
  2. the sound made by or as if by such a blow.

verb (used with object)

  1. to strike or beat with something thick and heavy, so as to produce a dull sound; pound.
  2. (of an object) to strike against (something) heavily and noisily.
  3. Informal. to thrash severely.

verb (used without object)

  1. to strike, beat, or fall heavily, with a dull sound.
  2. to walk with heavy steps; pound.
  3. to palpitate or beat violently, as the heart.


  1. the sound of a heavy solid body hitting or pounding a comparatively soft surface
  2. a heavy blow with the handhe gave me a thump on the back


  1. (tr) to strike or beat heavily; pound
  2. (intr) to throb, beat, or pound violentlyhis heart thumped with excitement

v.1530s, “to strike hard,” probably imitative of the sound made by hitting with a heavy object (cf. East Frisian dump “a knock,” Swedish dialectal dumpa “to make a noise”). Related: Thumped; thumping. n.1550s, from thump (v.).

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