tidal bore

tidal bore


  1. an abrupt rise of tidal water moving rapidly inland from the mouth of an estuary.


  1. another term for bore 3


  1. to produce (a hole) in (a material) by use of a drill, auger, or other cutting tool
  2. to increase the diameter of (a hole), as by an internal turning operation on a lathe or similar machine
  3. (tr) to produce (a hole in the ground, tunnel, mine shaft, etc) by digging, drilling, cutting, etc
  4. (intr) informal (of a horse or athlete in a race) to push other competitors, esp in order to try to get them out of the way


  1. a hole or tunnel in the ground, esp one drilled in search of minerals, oil, etc
    1. a circular hole in a material produced by drilling, turning, or drawing
    2. the diameter of such a hole
    1. the hollow part of a tube or cylinder, esp of a gun barrel
    2. the diameter of such a hollow part; calibre
  2. Australian an artesian well


  1. (tr) to tire or make weary by being dull, repetitious, or uninteresting


  1. a dull, repetitious, or uninteresting person, activity, or state


  1. a high steep-fronted wave moving up a narrow estuary, caused by the tide


  1. the past tense of bear 1

v.1Old English borian “to bore through, perforate,” from bor “auger,” from Proto-Germanic *buron (cf. Old Norse bora, Swedish borra, Old High German boron, Middle Dutch boren, German bohren), from PIE root *bher- (2) “to cut with a sharp point, pierce, bore” (cf. Greek pharao “I plow,” Latin forare “to bore, pierce,” Old Church Slavonic barjo “to strike, fight,” Albanian brime “hole”). The meaning “diameter of a tube” is first recorded 1570s; hence figurative slang full bore (1936) “at maximum speed,” from notion of unchoked carburetor on an engine. Sense of “be tiresome or dull” first attested 1768, a vogue word c.1780-81 according to Grose; possibly a figurative extension of “to move forward slowly and persistently,” as a boring tool does. v.2past tense of bear (v.). n.thing which causes ennui or annoyance, 1778; of persons by 1812; from bore (v.1). The secret of being a bore is to tell everything. [Voltaire, “Sept Discours en Vers sur l’Homme,” 1738]

  1. In fluid mechanics, a jump in the level of moving water, generally propagating in the opposite direction to the current. Strong ocean tides can cause bores to propagate up rivers.
    1. The white, shallow portion of a wave after it breaks. The bore carries ocean water onto the beach.
    2. A tidal wave caused by the surge of a flood tide upstream in a narrowing estuary or by colliding tidal currents.
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