

verb (used with object), tinged, tinge·ing or ting·ing.

  1. to impart a trace or slight degree of some color to; tint.
  2. to impart a slight taste or smell to.


  1. a slight degree of coloration.
  2. a slight admixture, as of some qualifying property or characteristic; trace; smattering: a tinge of garlic; a tinge of anger.


  1. a slight tint or colouringher hair had a tinge of grey
  2. any slight addition

verb tinges, tingeing, tinging or tinged (tr)

  1. to colour or tint faintly
  2. to impart a slight trace toher thoughts were tinged with nostalgia

v.late 15c., “to dye, color slightly,” from Latin tingere “to dye, color,” originally “to moisten” (see tincture). Related: Tinged. The noun is first recorded 1752.

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