


  1. Biology. an aggregate of similar cells and cell products forming a definite kind of structural material with a specific function, in a multicellular organism.
  2. tissue paper.
  3. any of several kinds of soft gauzy papers used for various purposes: cleansing tissue; toilet tissue.
  4. an interwoven or interconnected series or mass: a tissue of falsehoods.
  5. a piece of thin writing paper on which carbon copies are made.
  6. a woven fabric, especially one of light or gauzy texture, originally woven with gold or silver: a blouse of a delicate tissue.

verb (used with object), tis·sued, tis·su·ing.

  1. to remove (a cosmetic or cream) with a facial tissue (often followed by off): Tissue all cosmetics off the face before going to bed.
  2. to weave, especially with threads of gold and silver.


  1. a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and functionconnective tissue; nerve tissue
  2. a thin piece of soft absorbent paper, usually of two or more layers, used as a disposable handkerchief, towel, etc
  3. See tissue paper
  4. an interwoven seriesa tissue of lies
  5. a woven cloth, esp of a light gauzy nature, originally interwoven with threads of gold or silver

verb (tr)

  1. rare to weave into tissue
  2. to decorate or clothe with tissue or tissue paper

n.mid-14c., “band or belt of rich material,” from Old French tissu “a ribbon, headband, belt of woven material” (c.1200), noun use of tissu “woven, interlaced,” past participle of tistre “to weave,” from Latin texere “weave” (see texture). The biological sense is first recorded 1831, from French, introduced c.1800 by French anatomist Marie-François-Xavier Bichal (1771-1802). Tissue-paper is from 1777, supposedly so called because it was made to be placed between tissues to protect them. Meaning “piece of absorbent paper used as a handkerchief” is from 1929. n.

  1. An aggregation of morphologically similar cells and associated intercellular matter acting together to perform specific functions in the body. There are four basic types of tissue: muscle, nerve, epithelial, and connective.

  1. A large mass of similar cells that make up a part of an organism and perform a specific function. The internal organs and connective structures (including bone and cartilage) of vertebrates, and cambium, xylem, and phloem in plants are made up of different types of tissue.
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