to all intents and purposes

to all intents and purposes


  1. something that is intended; purpose; design; intention: The original intent of the committee was to raise funds.
  2. the act or fact of intending, as to do something: criminal intent.
  3. Law. the state of a person’s mind that directs his or her actions toward a specific object.
  4. meaning or significance.


  1. to/for all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes; practically speaking; virtually: The book is, to all intents and purposes, a duplication of earlier efforts.


  1. something that is intended; aim; purpose; design
  2. the act of intending
  3. law the will or purpose with which one does an act
  4. implicit meaning; connotation
  5. to all intents and purposes for all practical purposes; virtually


  1. firmly fixed; determined; concentratedan intent look
  2. (postpositive; usually foll by on or upon) having the fixed intention (of); directing one’s mind or energy (to)intent on committing a crime

n.“purpose,” early 13c., from Old French entente, from Latin intentus “a stretching out,” in Late Latin “intention, attention,” noun use of past participle of intendere “stretch out, lean toward, strain,” literally “to stretch out” (see intend). adj.“very attentive,” late 14c., from Latin intentus “attentive, eager, waiting, strained,” past participle of intendere “to strain, stretch” (see intend). Related: Intently. Also, for all intents and purposes; for all practical purposes. In every practical sense, virtually. For example, For all intents and purposes the case is closed, or For all practical purposes the Vice-President is the chief executive while the President is in the hospital. The first phrase, dating from the 1500s, originated in English law, where it was to all intents, constructions, and purposes. A shorter synonym is in effect, def. 1. see to all intents and purposes.

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