

adjective Biology.

  1. (of a cell or part) having the potential for developing in various specialized ways in response to external or internal stimuli.


  1. (of an animal cell) capable of differentiation and so forming a new individual, tissue, organ, etc

1896, from Latin toti-, comb. form of totus “whole” (see total (adj.)) + potent. Perhaps immediately from German totipotent, which is attested by 1893. Related: Totipotency.


  1. The ability of a cell, such as an egg, to give rise to unlike cells and to develop into or generate a new organism or part.

The ability of cells such as an embryonic stem cell to differentiate into any type of body cell. Plant cells are also totipotent, which helps to explain why a graft of a plant can generate a whole new individual out of just a small branch cutting.

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