

trans- Word Origin

  1. a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin (transcend; transfix); on this model, used with the meanings “across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” in combination with elements of any origin: transisthmian; trans-Siberian; transempirical; transvalue.
  2. Chemistry. a prefix denoting a geometric isomer having a pair of identical atoms or groups on the opposite sides of two atoms linked by a double bond.Compare cis-(def 2).
  3. Astronomy. a prefix denoting something farther from the sun (than a given planet): trans-Martian; trans-Neptunian.
  4. a prefix meaning “on the other side of,” referring to the misalignment of one’s gender identity with one’s biological sex assigned at birth: transgender; transsexual.

Origin of trans- Latin, combining form of trāns (adv. and preposition) across, beyond, through British Dictionary definitions for trans- trans- sometimes before s- tran- prefix

  1. across, beyond, crossing, on the other sidetransoceanic; trans-Siberian; transatlantic
  2. changing thoroughlytransliterate
  3. transcendingtransubstantiation
  4. transverselytransect
  5. (often in italics) indicating that a chemical compound has a molecular structure in which two groups or atoms are on opposite sides of a double bondtrans-butadiene Compare cis- (def. 2)

Word Origin for trans- from Latin trāns across, through, beyond Word Origin and History for trans-

prefix meaning “across, beyond, to go beyond,” from Latin trans-, from prep. trans “across, over, beyond,” probably originally present participle of a verb *trare-, meaning “to cross” (see through).

trans- in Medicine trans- pref.

  1. Across; on the other side; beyond:transilient.
  2. Through:transpiration.
  3. Change; transfer:transketolation.
  4. Having a pair of identical atoms on opposite sides of two atoms linked by a double bond. Used of a geometric isomer. Usually in italic:trans-butene.
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