

transmutation [trans-myoo-tey-shuh n, tranz-] Word Origin noun

  1. the act or process of transmuting.
  2. the fact or state of being transmuted.
  3. change into another nature, substance, form, or condition.
  4. Biology. the transformation of one species into another.Compare transformism.
  5. Physics. any process in which a nuclide is transformed into a different nuclide, usually one of a different element.
  6. Alchemy. the supposed conversion of base metals into metals of greater value, especially into gold or silver.

Origin of transmutation 1350–1400; Middle English transmutacio(u)n (Old French transmutation) Latin trānsmūtātiōn- (stem of trānsmūtātiō) a changing, shifting, equivalent to trānsmūtāt(us) (past participle of trānsmūtāre to change) + -iōn- -ion. See transmute, -ation Related formstrans·mu·ta·tion·al, trans·mut·a·tive [trans-myoo-tuh-tiv, tranz-] /trænsˈmyu tə tɪv, trænz-/, adjectivetrans·mu·ta·tion·ist, noun British Dictionary definitions for transmutative transmutation noun

  1. the act or an instance of transmuting
  2. the change of one chemical element into another by a nuclear reaction
  3. the attempted conversion, by alchemists, of base metals into gold or silver

Derived Formstransmutational or transmutative, adjectivetransmutationist, noun, adjective Word Origin and History for transmutative transmutation n.

late 14c., from Old French transmutation (12c.), from Late Latin transmutationem (nominative transmutatio) “a change, shift,” noun of action from Latin transmutare “change from one condition to another,” from trans- “thoroughly” (see trans-) + mutare “to change” (see mutable). A word from alchemy.

transmutative in Medicine transmutation [trăns′myōō-tā′shən, trănz′-] n.

  1. A change; transformation.
  2. In physics, the transformation of one element into another by one or a series of nuclear reactions.

transmutative in Science transmutation [trăns′myōō-tā′shən]

  1. The changing of one chemical element into another. Transmutations occur naturally through radioactive decay, or artificially by bombarding the nucleus of a substance with subatomic particles.
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