trapezoid [trap-uh-zoid] ExamplesWord Origin noun
- Geometry.
- a quadrilateral plane figure having two parallel and two nonparallel sides.
- British.trapezium(def 1b).
- Anatomy. a bone in the wrist that articulates with the metacarpal bone of the forefinger.
- Also trap·e·zoi·dal. Geometry. of, relating to, or having the form of a trapezoid.
Origin of trapezoid 1695–1705; New Latin trapezoīdēs Late Greek trapezoeidḗs trapeziumlike. See trapezium, -oid Related formspost·trap·e·zoid, adjectivesub·trap·e·zoid, adjectivesub·trap·e·zoi·dal, adjective Examples from the Web for trapezoid Historical Examples of trapezoid
An interesting variation of the ordinary proof is made by placing a trapezoid T’, congruent to T, in the position here shown.
David Eugene Smith
The term “isosceles trapezoid” is used to mean a trapezoid with two opposite sides equal, but not parallel.
David Eugene Smith
The area of a trapezoid is equal to half the sum of its bases multiplied by the altitude.
David Eugene Smith
In the first drawer I keep the four plain wooden squares and two frames, one containing a rhomboid, and the other a trapezoid.
Maria Montessori
The trapezoid and the os magnum of the carpus are united, while in Choloepus they are perfectly distinct bones.
The Cambridge Natural History, Vol X., Mammalia
Frank Evers Beddard
British Dictionary definitions for trapezoid trapezoid noun
- a quadrilateral having neither pair of sides parallel
- Also called: (Brit, Austral., NZ, and South African) trapezium US and Canadian a quadrilateral having two parallel sides of unequal length
- a small bone of the wrist near the base of the index finger
Word Origin for trapezoid C18: from New Latin trapezoidēs, from Late Greek trapezoeidēs trapezium-shaped, from trapeza table Word Origin and History for trapezoid n.
1706, “a trapezium,” from Modern Latin trapezoides, from Late Greek trapezoeides (Proclus), special use by Euclid of Greek trapezoeides “trapezium-shaped,” from trapeza, literally “table” (see trapezium), + -oeides “shaped” (see -oid). Technically, a quadrilateral figure with no two sides parallel. But in English since c.1800, often confused with trapezium in its sense of “a quadrilateral figure having only two sides parallel.”
trapezoid in Medicine trapezoid [trăp′ĭ-zoid′] n.
- A quadrilateral having two parallel sides.
- A small bone in the wrist that is situated near the base of the index finger and that articulates with the second metacarpal, trapezium, capitate, and scaphoid bones.
Related formstrap′e•zoid′ null adj. trapezoid in Science trapezoid [trăp′ĭ-zoid′]
- A four-sided plane figure having two parallel sides.
trapezoid in Culture trapezoid [(trap-uh-zoyd)]
A four-sided polygon in which two sides are parallel and two are not.