tree of knowledge of good and evil

tree of knowledge of good and evil

tree of knowledge of good and evil Word Origin noun

  1. the tree in the Garden of Eden bearing the forbidden fruit that was tasted by Adam and Eve. Gen. 2:17; 3:6–24.

Origin of tree of knowledge of good and evil First recorded in 1525–35 Also called tree of knowledge. British Dictionary definitions for tree of knowledge of good and evil tree of knowledge of good and evil noun

  1. Old Testament the tree in the Garden of Eden bearing the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate, thus incurring loss of primal innocence (Genesis 2:9; 3:2–7)

tree of knowledge of good and evil in Culture tree of knowledge of good and evil

A tree in the Garden of Eden, the fruit of which God forbade Adam and Eve to eat.

Note They did eat the forbidden fruit, and their disobedience brought about the Fall of Man.

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