

treponema [trep-uh-nee-muh] ExamplesWord Origin noun, plural trep·o·ne·mas, trep·o·ne·ma·ta [trep-uh-nee-muh-tuh] /ˌtrɛp əˈni mə tə/.

  1. any of several anaerobic spirochetes of the genus Treponema, certain species of which are parasitic in and pathogenic for humans and warm-blooded animals.

Origin of treponema 1905–10; New Latin: genus name Greek trép(ein) to turn + -o- -o- + nêma threadRelated formstrep·o·nem·a·tous [trep-uh-nem-uh-tuh s, -nee-muh-] /ˌtrɛp əˈnɛm ə təs, -ˈni mə-/, trep·o·ne·mal, adjective Examples from the Web for treponema Historical Examples of treponema

  • This disease is caused by a microorganism known as the spirochaeta pallida or treponema pallidum of Schaudinn and Hoffmann.

    Surgery, with Special Reference to Podiatry

    Maximilian Stern

  • Postmortem examination always shows that the Treponema has wrought wide-spread damage in the brain.

    Being Well-Born

    Michael F. Guyer

  • Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum, a small unicellular animal parasite.

    Being Well-Born

    Michael F. Guyer

  • British Dictionary definitions for treponema treponema treponeme (ˈtrɛpəniːm) noun plural -nemas, -nemata (-ˈniːmətə) or -nemes

    1. any anaerobic spirochaete bacterium of the genus Treponema, such as T. pallidum which causes syphilis

    Derived Formstreponematous (ˌtrɛpəˈnɛmətəs), adjectiveWord Origin for treponema C19: from New Latin, from Greek trepein to turn + nēma thread treponema in Medicine Treponema [trĕp′ə-nē′mə] n.

    1. A genus of anaerobic spirochetes including species that cause syphilis, pinta, and yaws.
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