trigo [tree-goh; Spanish tree-gaw] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN noun, plural tri·gos [tree-gohz; Spanish tree-gaws] /ˈtri goʊz; Spanish ˈtri gɔs/. wheat; field of wheat.
Origin of trigo Spanish Latin trīticum wheat, equivalent to trīt(us) ground, rubbed to pieces (past participle of terere to rub, grind) + -icum -ic Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019 Examples from the Web for trigo Historical Examples of trigo
Some twenty more were arrested, among whom were his two principal aids Jos Alhama and Trigo.
A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 4
Henry Charles Lea