


  1. interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical: a realistic estimate of costs; a realistic planner.
  2. pertaining to, characterized by, or given to the representation in literature or art of things as they really are: a realistic novel.
  3. resembling or simulating real life: a duck hunter skilled at making realistic decoys.
  4. Philosophy. of or relating to realists or realism.


  1. showing awareness and acceptance of reality
  2. practical or pragmatic rather than ideal or moral
  3. (of a book, film, etc) depicting or emphasizing what is real and actual rather than abstract or ideal
  4. of or relating to philosophical realism

adj.“true to reality” (of art, literature, etc.), 1829; “involving a practical view of life” (opposed to idealistic), 1831; from realist + -ic. Related: Realistically.

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