


  1. a cosmetic treatment of the hands and fingernails, including trimming and polishing of the nails and removing cuticles.
  2. a manicurist.

verb (used with object), man·i·cured, man·i·cur·ing.

  1. to take care of (the hands and fingernails); apply manicure treatment to.
  2. to trim or cut meticulously: to manicure a lawn.

verb (used without object), man·i·cured, man·i·cur·ing.

  1. to give a manicure.


  1. care of the hands and fingernails, involving shaping the nails, removing cuticles, etc
  2. another word for manicurist


  1. to care for (the hands and fingernails) in this way
  2. (tr) to trim neatly

v.1889, from manicure (n.). Related: Manicured; manicuring. n.1873, “one who professionally treats hands and fingernails,” from French manicure, literally “the care of the hands,” from Latin manus “hand” (see manual) + cura “care” (see cure). Meaning “treatment and care of the hands and fingernails” is attested from 1887.

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