


  1. simple past tense and past participle of unbind.


  1. not bound, as a book.
  2. free; not attached, as by a chemical bond: unbound electrons.

verb (used with object), un·bound, un·bind·ing.

  1. to release from bonds or restraint, as a prisoner; free.
  2. to unfasten or loose, as a bond or tie.


  1. the past tense and past participle of unbind


  1. (of a book) not bound within a cover
  2. not restrained or tied down by bonds
  3. (of a morpheme) able to form a word by itself; free

verb -binds, -binding or -bound (tr)

  1. to set free from restraining bonds or chains; release
  2. to unfasten or make loose (a bond, tie, etc)

v.Old English unbindan, “to free from binding,” from un- (2) + bind (v.). Cf. German entbinden, Dutch ontbinden. Literal and figurative senses both present in Old English. Suæ huæt ðu unbindes ofer eorðu bið unbunden in heofnum. [Lindisfarne Gospels, Matt. xvi:19] Unbound is from Old English unbunden, in literal sense. Figurative sense first attested late 14c.; of books from 1540s.

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