

verb (used without object)

  1. to permit, approve, or agree; comply or yield (often followed by to or an infinitive): He consented to the proposal. We asked her permission, and she consented.
  2. Archaic. to agree in sentiment, opinion, etc.; be in harmony.


  1. permission, approval, or agreement; compliance; acquiescence: He gave his consent to the marriage.
  2. agreement in sentiment, opinion, a course of action, etc.: By common consent he was appointed official delegate.
  3. Archaic. accord; concord; harmony.


  1. to give assent or permission (to do something); agree; accede
  2. (intr) obsolete to be in accord; agree in opinion, feelings, etc


  1. acquiescence to or acceptance of something done or planned by another; permission
  2. accordance or harmony in opinion; agreement (esp in the phrase with one consent)
  3. age of consent the lowest age at which the law recognizes the right of a person to consent to sexual intercourse

v.early 13c., from Old French consentir (12c.) “agree, comply,” from Latin consentire “feel together,” from com- “with” (see com-) + sentire “to feel” (see sense (n.)). “Feeling together,” hence, “agreeing, giving permission,” apparently a sense evolution that took place in French before the word reached English. Related: Consented; consenting. n.c.1300, “approval,” also “agreement in sentiment, harmony,” from Old French consente, from consentir (see consent (v.)). Age of consent is attested from 1809.

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