


  1. Sometimes corsets. a close-fitting undergarment, stiffened with whalebone or similar material and often capable of being tightened by lacing, enclosing the trunk: worn, especially by women, to shape and support the body; stays.

verb (used with object)

  1. to dress or furnish with or as if with a corset.
  2. to regulate strictly; constrict.


    1. a stiffened, elasticated, or laced foundation garment, worn esp by women, that usually extends from below the chest to the hips, providing support for the spine and stomach and shaping the figure
    2. a similar garment worn because of injury, weakness, etc, by either sex
  1. informal a restriction or limitation, esp government control of bank lending
  2. a stiffened outer bodice worn by either sex, esp in the 16th century


  1. (tr) to dress or enclose in, or as in, a corset

n.c.1300, “kind of laced bodice,” from Old French corset (13c.) “bodice, tunic,” diminutive of cors “body” (see corps). Meaning “stiff supporting and constricting undergarment” is from 1795.

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