


  1. capable of being deducted.
  2. allowable as a tax deduction: Charitable contributions are deductible expenses.


  1. the amount for which the insured is liable on each loss, injury, etc., before an insurance company will make payment: The deductible on our medical coverage has been raised from $50 to $100 per illness.


  1. capable of being deducted
  2. US and Canadian short for tax-deductible


  1. insurance, US and Canadian a specified contribution towards the cost of a claim, stipulated on certain insurance policies as being payable by the policyholderAlso called (in Britain and certain other countries): excess

adj.1610s, “that may be deduced,” also “that may be deducted;” from Latin deducere (see deduce) + -ible. As a noun, “deductible thing,” by 1927.

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