

verb (used with object), di·lut·ed, di·lut·ing.

  1. to make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by the addition of water or the like.
  2. to make fainter, as a color.
  3. to reduce the strength, force, or efficiency of by admixture.

verb (used without object), di·lut·ed, di·lut·ing.

  1. to become diluted.


  1. reduced in strength, as a chemical by admixture; weak: a dilute solution.


  1. not diluted with water or any other liquidundiluted fruit juice
  2. not moderated or qualified in any wayexpressing undiluted pleasure


  1. to make or become less concentrated, esp by adding water or a thinner
  2. to make or become weaker in force, effect, etche diluted his story


  1. chem
    1. (of a solution, suspension, mixture, etc) having a low concentration or a concentration that has been reduced by admixture
    2. (of a substance) present in solution, esp a weak solution in waterdilute acetic acid

adj.1756, from un- (1) “not” + past participle of dilute. v.1550s, from Latin dilutus, past participle of diluere “dissolve, wash away, dilute,” from dis- “apart” + -luere, comb. form of lavere “to wash” (see lave). Related: Diluted; diluting. As an adjective from c.1600. v.

  1. To reduce a solution or mixture in concentration, quality, strength, or purity, as by adding water.


  1. Thinned or weakened by diluting.
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