verb (used with object), di·lut·ed, di·lut·ing.
- to make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by the addition of water or the like.
- to make fainter, as a color.
- to reduce the strength, force, or efficiency of by admixture.
verb (used without object), di·lut·ed, di·lut·ing.
- to become diluted.
- reduced in strength, as a chemical by admixture; weak: a dilute solution.
- not diluted with water or any other liquidundiluted fruit juice
- not moderated or qualified in any wayexpressing undiluted pleasure
- to make or become less concentrated, esp by adding water or a thinner
- to make or become weaker in force, effect, etche diluted his story
- chem
- (of a solution, suspension, mixture, etc) having a low concentration or a concentration that has been reduced by admixture
- (of a substance) present in solution, esp a weak solution in waterdilute acetic acid
adj.1756, from un- (1) “not” + past participle of dilute. v.1550s, from Latin dilutus, past participle of diluere “dissolve, wash away, dilute,” from dis- “apart” + -luere, comb. form of lavere “to wash” (see lave). Related: Diluted; diluting. As an adjective from c.1600. v.
- To reduce a solution or mixture in concentration, quality, strength, or purity, as by adding water.
- Thinned or weakened by diluting.