

verb (used with object), fore·cast or fore·cast·ed, fore·cast·ing.

  1. to predict (a future condition or occurrence); calculate in advance: to forecast a heavy snowfall; to forecast lower interest rates.
  2. to serve as a prediction of; foreshadow.
  3. to contrive or plan beforehand; prearrange.

verb (used without object), fore·cast or fore·cast·ed, fore·cast·ing.

  1. to conjecture beforehand; make a prediction.
  2. to plan or arrange beforehand.


  1. a prediction, especially as to the weather.
  2. a conjecture as to something in the future.
  3. the act, practice, or faculty of forecasting.
  4. Archaic. foresight in planning.

verb -casts, -casting, -cast or -casted

  1. to predict or calculate (weather, events, etc), in advance
  2. (tr) to serve as an early indication of
  3. (tr) to plan in advance


  1. a statement of probable future weather conditions calculated from meteorological data
  2. a prophecy or prediction
  3. the practice or power of forecasting

v.late 14c., “to scheme,” from fore- “before” + casten “contrive.” Meaning “predict events” first attested late 15c. Related: Forecasted; forecasting. n.early 15c., probably from forecast (v.); earliest sense was “forethought, prudence;” meaning “conjectured estimate of a future course” is from 1670s. A Middle English word for weather forecasting was aeromancy.

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