

verb (used with object), har·mo·nized, har·mo·niz·ing.

  1. to bring into harmony, accord, or agreement: to harmonize one’s views with the new situation.
  2. Music. to accompany with appropriate harmony.

verb (used without object), har·mo·nized, har·mo·niz·ing.

  1. to be in agreement in action, sense, or feeling: Though of different political parties, all the delegates harmonized on civil rights.
  2. to sing in harmony.


  1. to make or become harmonious
  2. (tr) music to provide a harmony for (a melody, tune, etc)
  3. (intr) to sing in harmony, as with other singers
  4. to collate parallel narratives

v.late 15c., “play or sing in harmony,” from French harmoniser (15c.), from Old French harmonie (see harmony). Meaning “be in harmony” is from 1620s; that of “bring into agreement” is from 1727. Related: Harmonized; harmonizing.

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