


  1. a low, continuous sound, as of a brook, the wind, or trees, or of low, indistinct voices.
  2. a mumbled or private expression of discontent.
  3. Also called heart murmur. Medicine/Medical.
    1. an abnormal sound heard on listening to the heart, usually through a stethoscope, produced by the blood passing through deformed cardiac valves.
    2. in some persons a similar sound heard when blood passes through normal valves.
  4. Phonetics. a voice quality in which vibration of the vocal cords is accompanied by the escape of a great deal of air, as in the (h) of ahead; breathy voice.

verb (used without object)

  1. to make a low or indistinct sound, especially continuously.
  2. to speak in a low tone or indistinctly.
  3. to complain in a low tone or in private.

verb (used with object)

  1. to sound by murmurs.
  2. to utter in a low tone: He murmured a threat as he left the room.


  1. not complaining


  1. a continuous low indistinct sound, as of distant voices
  2. an indistinct utterancea murmur of satisfaction
  3. a complaint; grumblehe made no murmur at my suggestion
  4. med any abnormal soft blowing sound heard within the body, usually over the chestSee also heart murmur

verb -murs, -muring or -mured

  1. to utter (something) in a murmur
  2. (intr) to complain in a murmur

n.late 14c., “expression of discontent by grumbling,” from Old French murmure “murmur, sound of human voices; trouble, argument” (12c.), noun of action from murmurer “to murmur,” from Latin murmurare “to murmur, mutter,” from murmur (n.) “a hum, muttering, rushing,” probably from a PIE reduplicative base *mor-mor, of imitative origin (cf. Sanskrit murmurah “crackling fire,” Greek mormyrein “to roar, boil,” Lithuanian murmlenti “to murmur”). Meaning “softly spoken words” is from 1670s. v.late 14c., from Old French murmurer “murmur, grouse, grumble” (12c.), from murmur “rumbling noise” (see murmur (n.)). Related: Murmured; murmuring. n.

  1. An abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the heart, lungs, or blood vessels.
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