


  1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
  2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
  3. determination; resoluteness.
  4. the subject in hand; the point at issue.
  5. practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to good purpose.

verb (used with object), pur·posed, pur·pos·ing.

  1. to set as an aim, intention, or goal for oneself.
  2. to intend; design.
  3. to resolve (to do something): He purposed to change his way of life radically.

verb (used without object), pur·posed, pur·pos·ing.

  1. to have a purpose.


  1. on purpose, by design; intentionally: How could you do such a thing on purpose?
  2. to the purpose, relevant; to the point: Her objections were not to the purpose.


  1. the reason for which anything is done, created, or exists
  2. a fixed design, outcome, or idea that is the object of an action or other effort
  3. fixed intention in doing something; determinationa man of purpose
  4. practical advantage or useto work to good purpose
  5. that which is relevant or under consideration (esp in the phrase to or from the purpose)
  6. archaic purport
  7. on purpose intentionally

verb (tr)

  1. to intend or determine to do (something)

n.c.1300, “intention, aim, goal,” from Anglo-French purpos, Old French porpos “aim, intention” (12c.), from porposer “to put forth,” from por- “forth” (from Latin pro- “forth;” see pur-) + Old French poser “to put, place” (see pose (v.1)). On purpose “by design” is attested from 1580s; earlier of purpose (early 15c.). v.late 14c., from Anglo-French purposer “to design,” Old French porposer “to intend, propose,” variant of proposer (see propose). see at cross purposes; for all intents and purposes; on purpose; serve a purpose; to good purpose; to little or no purpose.

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