

verb (used with object)

  1. to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably: to recommend an applicant for a job; to recommend a book.
  2. to represent or urge as advisable or expedient: to recommend caution.
  3. to advise, as an alternative; suggest (a choice, course of action, etc.) as appropriate, beneficial, or the like: He recommended the blue-plate special. The doctor recommended special exercises for her.
  4. to make desirable or attractive: a plan that has very little to recommend it.

verb (used without object)

  1. to make a recommendation.


  1. Informal. a recommendation.

verb (tr)

  1. (may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to advise as the best course or choice; counselto recommend prudence
  2. to praise or commendto recommend a new book
  3. to make attractive or advisablethe trip has little to recommend it
  4. archaic to entrust (a person or thing) to someone else’s care; commend

v.late 14c., “praise, present as worthy,” from Medieval Latin recommendare, from Latin re-, here probably an intensive prefix, or else from a sense now obscure (see re-), + commendare “commit to one’s care, commend” (see commend). Meaning “advise as to action, urge (that something be done)” is from 1746. Related: Recommended; recommending.

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