

verb (used with object), re·hearsed, re·hears·ing.

  1. to practice (a musical composition, a play, a speech, etc.) in private prior to a public presentation.
  2. to drill or train (an actor, musician, etc.) by rehearsal, as for some performance or part.
  3. to relate the facts or particulars of; recount.

verb (used without object), re·hearsed, re·hears·ing.

  1. to rehearse a play, part, etc.; participate in a rehearsal.


  1. (of a play, speech, etc) not having been practised in advance


  1. to practise (a play, concert, etc), in preparation for public performance
  2. (tr) to run through; recount; recitethe official rehearsed the grievances of the committee
  3. (tr) to train or drill (a person or animal) for the public performance of a part in a play, show, etc

v.c.1300, “to give an account of,” from Anglo-French rehearser, Old French rehercier “to go over again, repeat,” literally “to rake over, turn over” (soil, ground), from re- “again” (see re-) + hercier “to rake, harrow” (see hearse). Meaning “to say over again, repeat what has already been said or written” is from mid-14c.; sense of “practice a play, part, etc.” is from 1570s. Related: Rehearsed; rehearsing.

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