

verb (used with object), sim·pli·fied, sim·pli·fy·ing.

  1. to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier: to simplify a problem.

verb -fies, -fying or -fied (tr)

  1. to make less complicated, clearer, or easier
  2. maths to reduce (an equation, fraction, etc) to a simpler form by cancellation of common factors, regrouping of terms in the same variable, etc

v.1650s, from French simplifier “to make simpler” (15c.), from Medieval Latin simplificare “to simplify,” from Latin simplex “simple” (see simplex) + root of facere “to make” (see factitious). Meaning “to make easier to do” is from 1759. Related: Simplified; simplifying.

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