

verb (used without object), smiled, smil·ing.

  1. to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth.
  2. to regard with favor: Luck smiled on us that night.
  3. to have a pleasant or agreeable appearance or aspect, as natural scenes, objects, etc.: The landscape smiled in the sunlight.

verb (used with object), smiled, smil·ing.

  1. to assume or give (a smile, especially of a given kind): She smiled a warm and friendly smile.
  2. to express by a smile: to smile approval.
  3. to bring, put, drive, etc., by or as by smiling: to smile one’s tears away.


  1. the act or an instance of smiling; a smiling expression of the face.
  2. favor or kindly regard: fortune’s smile.
  3. a pleasant or agreeable appearance, look, or aspect.

Verb Phrases

  1. smile at,
    1. to regard with pleasure or amusement, as with a smile.
    2. to regard with mild derision: to smile at someone’s affectations.


  1. not wearing or assuming a smile; serious


  1. a facial expression characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth, usually showing amusement, friendliness, etc, but sometimes scorn, etc
  2. favour or blessingthe smile of fortune
  3. an agreeable appearance


  1. (intr) to wear or assume a smile
  2. (intr foll by at)
    1. to look (at) with a kindly or amused expression
    2. to look derisively (at) instead of being annoyed
    3. to bear (troubles, etc) patiently
  3. (intr; foll by on or upon) to show approval; bestow a blessing
  4. (tr) to express by means of a smileshe smiled a welcome
  5. (tr often foll by away) to drive away or change by smilingsmile away one’s tears
  6. come up smiling to recover cheerfully from misfortune

adj.1826, from un- (1) “not” + present participle of smile (v.). v.c.1300, perhaps from Middle Low German *smilen or a Scandinavian source (e.g. Danish smile “smile,” Swedish smila “smile, smirk, simper, fawn”), from Proto-Germanic *smil-, extended form of PIE root *smei- “to laugh, smile” (cf. Old English smerian “to laugh at, scorn,” Old High German smieron “to smile,” Latin mirus “wonderful,” mirari “to wonder”). Related: Smiled; smiling. Gradually pushed the usual Old English word, smearcian (modern smirk), into a specific, unpleasant sense. Of the eyes, from 1759. Figuratively, as indicating favor or encouragement, from c.1400. Romance, Celtic, and Slavic languages tend to use a diminutive of the word for “laugh” to mean “smile” (e.g. Latin ridere “laugh;” subridere “smile”), perhaps literally “small laugh” or “low laugh.” n.1560s, from smile (v.). In addition to the idiom beginning with smile

  • smile on
  • also see:

  • crack a smile
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