

verb (used with object), sti·fled, sti·fling.

  1. to quell, crush, or end by force: to stifle a revolt; to stifle free expression.
  2. to suppress, curb, or withhold: to stifle a yawn.
  3. to kill by impeding respiration; smother.

verb (used without object), sti·fled, sti·fling.

  1. to suffer from difficulty in breathing, as in a close atmosphere.
  2. to become stifled or suffocated.


  1. (tr) to smother or suppressstifle a cough
  2. to feel or cause to feel discomfort and difficulty in breathing
  3. to prevent or be prevented from breathing so as to cause death
  4. (tr) to crush or stamp out


  1. the joint in the hind leg of a horse, dog, etc, between the femur and tibia

v.late 14c., “to choke, suffocate, drown,” of uncertain origin, possibly an alteration of Old French estouffer “to stifle, smother,” which may be from a Germanic source (cf. Old High German stopfon “to plug up, stuff”). Metaphoric sense is from 1570s. Related: Stifled; stifling.

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