


  1. having a temper or disposition of a specified character (usually used in combination): a good-tempered child.
  2. Music. tuned in accordance with some other temperament than just or pure temperament, especially tuned in equal temperament.
  3. made less intense or violent, especially by the influence of something good or benign: justice tempered with mercy.
  4. properly moistened or mixed, as clay.
  5. Metallurgy. of or relating to steel or cast iron that has been tempered.


  1. music
    1. (of a scale) having the frequency differences between notes adjusted in accordance with the system of equal temperamentSee temperament
    2. (of an interval) expanded or contracted from the state of being pure
  2. (in combination) having a temper or temperament as specifiedill-tempered

adj.1570s, from un- (1) “not” + past participle of temper (v.). Cf. Middle Dutch ongetempert, Middle High German ungetempert.

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