

verb (used with object)

  1. to accustom (a child or young animal) to food other than its mother’s milk; cause to lose the need to suckle or turn to the mother for food.
  2. to withdraw (a person, the affections, one’s dependency, etc.) from some object, habit, form of enjoyment, or the like: The need to reduce had weaned us from rich desserts.

Verb Phrases

  1. wean on, to accustom to; to familiarize with from, or as if from, childhood: a brilliant student weaned on the classics; suburban kids weaned on rock music.

verb (tr)

  1. to cause (a child or young mammal) to replace mother’s milk by other nourishment
  2. (usually foll by from) to cause to desert former habits, pursuits, etc


  1. Scot and Northern English dialect a child; infant

v.Old English wenian “to accustom,” from Proto-Germanic *wanjanan (cf. Old Norse venja, Dutch wennen, Old High German giwennan, German gewöhnen “to accustom”), from *wanaz “accustomed” (related to wont). The sense of weaning a child from the breast in Old English was generally expressed by gewenian or awenian, which has a sense of “unaccustom” (cf. German abgewöhnen, entwöhnen “to wean,” literally “to unaccustom”). The prefix subsequently wore off. Figurative extension to any pursuit or habit is from 1520s. v.

  1. To deprive permanently of breast milk and begin to nourish with other food.
  2. To accustom the young of a mammal to take nourishment other than by suckling.
  3. To gradually withdraw from a life-support system.
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