verb (used with object), up·swept, up·sweep·ing.
- to sweep upward.
verb (used without object), up·swept, up·sweep·ing.
- to be arranged in an upsweep.
- a sweeping upward, as an increase in elevation or a steep slope.
- a hairdo produced by having the hair combed or brushed upward to the top of the head; an upswept hairdo.
- a strongly pronounced rise in activity, as in business.
- a curved shape of the lower jaw of some animals.
noun (ˈʌpˌswiːp)
- a curve or sweep upwards
- US and Canadian an upswept hairstyle
verb (ʌpˈswiːp) -sweeps, -sweeping or -swept
- to sweep, curve, or brush or be swept, curved, or brushed upwards