


  1. an ancient Sumerian city on the Euphrates, in S Iraq: extensive excavations, especially of royal tombs.

  1. variant of uro-1: uranalysis.

  1. variant of uro-2 before a vowel: urite.

(sometimes initial capital letter)

  1. a combining form meaning “earliest, original,” used in words denoting the primal stage of a historical or cultural entity or phenomenon: ur-civilization; urtext.


  1. an ancient city of Sumer located on a former channel of the Euphrates

abbreviation for

  1. you are
  2. your

combining form

  1. a variant of uro- 1, uro- 2

combining form

  1. original, primitiveUrsprache

prefix meaning “original, earliest, primitive,” from German; at first only in words borrowed from German (cf. ursprache “hypothetical primitive language”); since mid-20c. a living prefix in English. Cf. also Urschleim under protoplasm and Urquell under Pilsner.


  1. Variant ofuro-
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