


  1. apt or liable to vary or change; changeable: variable weather; variable moods.
  2. capable of being varied or changed; alterable: a variable time limit for completion of a book.
  3. inconstant; fickle: a variable lover.
  4. having much variation or diversity.
  5. Biology. deviating from the usual type, as a species or a specific character.
  6. Astronomy. (of a star) changing in brightness.
  7. Meteorology. (of wind) tending to change in direction.
  8. Mathematics. having the nature or characteristics of a variable.


  1. something that may or does vary or change; a variable feature or factor.
  2. Mathematics, Computers.
    1. a quantity or function that may assume any given value or set of values.
    2. a symbol that represents this.
  3. Logic. (in the functional calculus) a symbol for an unspecified member of a class of things or statements.Compare bound variable, free variable.
  4. Astronomy. variable star.
  5. Meteorology.
    1. a shifting wind, especially as distinguished from a trade wind.
    2. variables,doldrums(def 2a).


  1. liable to or capable of changevariable weather
  2. (of behaviour, opinions, emotions, etc) lacking constancy; fickle
  3. maths having a range of possible values
  4. (of a species, characteristic, etc) liable to deviate from the established type
  5. (of a wind) varying its direction and intensity
  6. (of an electrical component or device) designed so that a characteristic property, such as resistance, can be variedvariable capacitor


  1. something that is subject to variation
  2. maths
    1. an expression that can be assigned any of a set of values
    2. a symbol, esp x, y, or z, representing an unspecified member of a class of objects, numbers, etcSee also dependent variable, independent variable
  3. logic a symbol, esp x, y, z, representing any member of a class of entities
  4. computing a named unit of storage that can be changed to any of a set of specified values during execution of a program
  5. astronomy See variable star
  6. a variable wind
  7. (plural) a region where variable winds occur

“quantity that can vary in value,” 1816, from variable (adj.). Related: Variably; variability.


late 14c., of persons, from Old French variable, from Latin variabilis “changeable,” from variare “to change” (see vary). Of weather, seasons, etc., attested from late 15c.; of stars, from 1788.


  1. Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable.
  2. Tending to deviate, as from a normal or recognized type; aberrant.
  3. Having no fixed quantitative value.


  1. Something that varies or that is prone to variation.
  2. A quantity that is capable of assuming any of a set of values.

  1. A mathematical quantity capable of assuming any of a set of values, such as x in the expression 3x + 2.
  2. A factor or condition that is subject to change, especially one that is allowed to change in a scientific experiment to test a hypothesis. See more at control.
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