

noun, plural vas·ec·to·mies. Surgery.

  1. excision of the vas deferens, or of a portion of it: performed to effect sterility in men.

noun plural -mies

  1. surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens, esp as a method of contraception

1897, from Modern Latin vas (deferens) + -ectomy “a cutting.”


  1. Surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens, usually as a means of sterilization.deferentectomy gonangiectomy

  1. Surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens, resulting in sterility.

A surgical procedure in which the ducts that carry sperm out of the testes are cut and tied off so that no sperm can pass. Vasectomy is a form of male sterilization and is used as a method of birth control. The procedure has no effect on a man’s capacity to produce semen; the only difference is that his semen will no longer contain sperm.

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