


  1. all the plants or plant life of a place, taken as a whole: the vegetation of the Nile valley.
  2. the act or process of vegetating.
  3. a dull existence; life devoid of mental or social activity.
  4. Pathology. a morbid growth, or excrescence.


  1. plant life as a whole, esp the plant life of a particular region
  2. the process of vegetating
  3. pathol any abnormal growth, excrescence, etc
  4. a vegetative existence

1560s, “act of vegetating,” from Middle French végétation, from Medieval Latin vegetationem (nominative vegetatio) “a quickening, action of growing,” from vegetare “grow, quicken” (see vegetable). Meaning “plant life” first recorded 1727.


  1. The process of growth in plants.
  2. An abnormal bodily growth or excrescence, especially a clot composed largely of fused blood platelets, fibrin, and sometimes bacteria that is adherent to a diseased heart valve.
  3. A vegetative state of impaired consciousness.

  1. The plants of an area or a region; plant life.
  2. An abnormal bodily accretion, especially a clot composed largely of fused blood platelets, fibrin, and sometimes bacteria, that adheres to a diseased heart valve.
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