


  1. of, relating to, or of the nature of a vein.
  2. having, characterized by, or composed of veins.
  3. pertaining to the blood in the pulmonary artery, right side of the heart, and most veins, that has become deoxygenated and charged with carbon dioxide during its passage through the body and that in humans is normally dark red.


  1. physiol of or relating to the blood circulating in the veins
  2. of or relating to the veins

1620s, from Latin venosus “full of veins,” from vena (see vein).


  1. Of, relating to, or contained in the veins.

  1. Any of the blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart from the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. Veins are thin-walled and contain valves that prevent the backflow of blood. All veins except the pulmonary vein carry blood with low levels of oxygen.
  2. One of the narrow, usually branching tubes or supporting parts forming the framework of an insect’s wing or a leaf. Veins in insect wings carry hemolymph and contain a nerve. Veins in leaves contain vascular tissue, with the xylem usually occurring on the upper side of the vein (bringing in water and nutrients) and the phloem on the lower side (carrying away food). See more at leaf venation.
  3. A long, narrow deposit of mineral or rock that fills the void formed by a fracture or fault in another rock. The mineralogy of the host rock surrounding the vein is often altered where it is in contact with the vein because of chemical reactions between the two rock types.
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