


  1. an opening, as in a wall, serving as an outlet for air, smoke, fumes, or the like.
  2. an opening at the earth’s surface from which volcanic material, as lava, steam, or gas, is emitted.
  3. Zoology. the anal or excretory opening of animals, especially of those below mammals, as birds and reptiles.
  4. the small opening at the breech of a gun by which fire is communicated to the charge.
  5. a means of exit or escape; an outlet, as from confinement.
  6. expression; utterance; release: to give vent to one’s emotions.
  7. Obsolete. the act or fact of venting; emission or discharge.

verb (used with object)

  1. to give free play or expression to (an emotion, passion, etc.): to vent rage.
  2. to give public utterance to: to vent one’s opinions.
  3. to relieve by giving expression to something: He vented his disappointment by criticizing his successor.
  4. to release or discharge (liquid, smoke, etc.).
  5. to furnish or provide with a vent or vents.

verb (used without object)

  1. to be relieved of pressure or discharged by means of a vent.
  2. (of an otter or other animal) to rise to the surface of the water to breathe.


  1. a small opening for the passage or escape of fumes, liquids, etc
  2. the shaft of a volcano or an aperture in the earth’s crust through which lava and gases erupt
  3. the external opening of the urinary or genital systems of lower vertebrates
  4. a small aperture at the breech of old guns through which the charge was ignited
  5. an exit, escape, or passage
  6. give vent to to release (an emotion, passion, idea, etc) in an utterance or outburst

verb (mainly tr)

  1. to release or give expression or utterance to (an emotion, idea, etc)he vents his anger on his wife
  2. to provide a vent for or make vents in
  3. to let out (steam, liquid, etc) through a vent


  1. a vertical slit at the back or both sides of a jacket


  1. (tr) to make a vent or vents in (a jacket)

“hole, opening, outlet,” 1560s, from vent (v.). Meaning “action of venting” is recorded from 1550s.


late 14c., “emit from a confined space,” probably a shortening of Old French eventer “let out, expose to air,” from Vulgar Latin *exventare, from Latin ex- “out” + ventus “wind” (see wind (n.1)). Sense of “express freely” first recorded 1590s. Sense of “divulge, publish” (1590s) is behind phrase vent one’s spleen (see spleen). Related: Vented; venting.


  1. An opening into a cavity or canal, especially one through which contents are discharged.

  1. An opening, and the conduit leading to it, in the side or at the top of a volcano, permitting the escape of fumes, a liquid, a gas, or steam.
    1. The excretory opening of the digestive tract in animals such as birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Also called cloaca
    2. See cloaca.

In addition to the idiom beginning with vent

  • vent one’s spleen

also see:

  • give vent to
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