- of or relating to the venter or belly; abdominal.
- Anatomy, Zoology. situated on or toward the lower, abdominal plane of the body; equivalent to the front, or anterior, in humans.Compare dorsal1(def 2).
- Botany, Mycology. of or designating the lower or inner surface of a structure.
- relating to the front part of the body; towards the bellyCompare dorsal
- of, relating to, or situated on the upper or inner side of a plant organ, esp a leaf, that is facing the axis
1739, from French ventral, from Late Latin ventralis “of or pertaining to the belly or stomach,” from Latin venter (genitive ventris) “belly, paunch,” from PIE *wend-tri- (cf. Latin vesica “bladder,” Sanskrit vastih “bladder,” Old High German wanast, German wanst “paunch, belly”).
- Relating to or situated on or close to the abdomen; abdominal.
- Relating to or situated on or close to the anterior aspect of the body.
- Relating to or on the front or lower surface of an animal.