


  1. being in a position or direction perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright; plumb.
  2. of, relating to, or situated at the vertex.
  3. of or relating to the cranial vertex.
  4. Botany.
    1. (of a leaf) having the blade in a perpendicular plane, so that neither of the surfaces can be called upper or lower.
    2. being in the same direction as the axis; lengthwise.
  5. of, constituting, or resulting in vertical combination.
  6. of or relating to a product or service from initial planning to sale.
  7. of, relating to, or noting a stratified society, nation, etc.


  1. something vertical, as a line or plane.
  2. a vertical or upright position.
  3. a vertical structural member in a truss.


  1. at right angles to the horizon; perpendicular; uprighta vertical wall Compare horizontal (def. 1)
  2. extending in a perpendicular direction
  3. at or in the vertex or zenith; directly overhead
  4. economics of or relating to associated or consecutive, though not identical, stages of industrial activityvertical integration; vertical amalgamation
  5. of or relating to the vertex
  6. anatomy of, relating to, or situated at the top of the head (vertex)


  1. a vertical plane, position, or line
  2. a vertical post, pillar, or other structural member

1550s, “of or at the vertex, directly overhead,” from Middle French vertical (1540s), from Late Latin verticalis “overhead,” from Latin vertex (genitive verticis) “highest point” (see vertex). Meaning “straight up and down” is first recorded 1704.


  1. Of or relating to the vertex of the head.
  2. Being or situated at right angles to the horizon; upright.
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