


  1. a program, movie, or other visual media product featuring moving images, with or without audio, that is recorded and saved digitally or on videocassette: Let’s stay at home and watch a video.She used her phone to record a video of her baby’s first steps.I spent all morning watching videos of cats online.
  2. Television.
    1. the elements of television, as in a program or script, pertaining to the transmission or reception of the image (distinguished from audio).
    2. the video part of a television broadcast.
  3. Informal. videotape.
  4. Informal. television: She is a star of stage and video.
  5. music video.


  1. of or relating to the electronic apparatus for producing the television picture: video amplifier.
  2. of or relating to television, especially the visual elements.
  3. of or relating to videocassettes, VCRs, music videos, etc.: a video shop.
  4. pertaining to or employed in the transmission or reception of television pictures.


  1. relating to or employed in the transmission or reception of a televised image
  2. of, concerned with, or operating at video frequencies

noun plural -os

  1. the visual elements of a television broadcast
  2. a film recorded on a video cassette
  3. short for video cassette, video cassette recorder
  4. US an informal name for television

verb videos, videoing or videoed

  1. to record (a television programme, etc) on a video cassette recorder
adj., n., pref.

1935, as visual equivalent of audio, from Latin video “I see,” first person singular present indicative of videre “to see” (see vision). video game is from 1973.

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