- of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or befitting a virgin: virginal purity.
- continuing in a state of virginity.
- pure; unsullied; untouched: a virginal mountain stream.
- Zoology. not fertilized.
- Often virginals. a rectangular harpsichord with the strings stretched parallel to the keyboard, the earlier types placed on a table: popular in the 16th and 17th centuries.
- of, relating to, characterized by, proper to, or maintaining a state of virginity; chaste
- extremely pure or fresh; untouched; undefiled
- (often plural) a smaller version of the harpsichord, but oblong in shape, having one manual and no pedals
early 15c., from Old French virginal or directly from Latin virginalis, from virgin (see virgin). The keyed musical instrument so called from 1520s, but the reason is obscure (see virginals).